Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some thing to be noticed..............

India won the CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011.
Mukesh Ambani became or remains as NO. 1
in the world based on his assets.
India developed new generation weapons domestically.
India achieved self sufficiency in agriculture...
Al round developments are there in India now.
Yet, what is happening to the educational developments?.
Some reputed institutions are producing high yielding graduates.
Financially sound students are getting standard education.
What about common people?
Are they able to get such education...?or
able to provide such education to their children.
A serious discussion is necessary in this regard.
Let's consider the Students of some remote villages in Maharashtra.
During my sojourn I spent two years in such a village.
"Narayangaon" (Narayangav) is the name of that village.
While conducting classes I got chances to examine
the students general knowledge and basic education,
their awareness about personal hygiene.
The actual situation of this place is not
so good when compared to the cities like Pune or Mumbai.
Starting from the basic personal hygiene,
the peoples are not bother about the
importance of neatness.
The students, irrespective of their family background
seems  to be "Barbarians".
I can point out some important points :-
a) No regular bath!
   (How can we insist for taking bath two times a day)
b) Not using proper toilets !
C) Hair cutting and nail cutting are occasional things !.
d) No regular brushing of teeth and tongue cleaning !.
e) No proper cloth washing !.
   before or EVEN AFTER HAVING FOOD or drinks.
g) They will swallow the water after rinsing the mouth.
i)  While discussing with a doctor I came to know that
   even during mensuration ladies are not taking 
   care about hygiene.

Another point which I want to put forward is that the peoples
are not aware about the necessity of having planned food.
Excluding some dishes made up  of wheat they don't have any
healthy food.
Pregnant women or baby feeding women will not get any
special consideration in the family.
As most of the peoples are engaged with agriculture
they got isolated from the main stream.

The bureaucrats, who are responsible for bringing the
developments to the village are actually exploiting the
Bribe and other practices are common in all offices.
Because of the lack of English language,
common people  are not able to approach any authorities
with a complaint.

Cultural Developments
The circulation of news paper is good.
But National News papers are not so much
The peoples don't know about any dance forms
except DANDIYA
They don't know about any musics except
film songs.
Libraries are a strange thing in the area!
Thus general reading is not possible.

Peoples don't know about our Epics, Vedas or
Upanishads - Indian Culture.
Peoples are totally ignorant about other Religions
Culture and Countries

Peoples don't know about literature- their language
(Always saying that our National language is Marathi !)

These are some facts I have noticed with my
experience here in Narayangaon.

I have only one request to the authorities that
Please do something to improve the standard of
the young generation in this State.
Otherwise they will be thrown out from the main
stream soon.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.