Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am talking to you on the special occasion of Teachers' Day. On this day,Sept 5 of Every year  we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose dream was that "Teachers should be the best minds in the country". Hence, Teachers' Day is very important for all our people, for our students and even for all the parents, as the teachers lay the foundation for creating enlightened citizens for the nation. On this day, I would like to recall the words of teachers who helped me in shaping my life.
First of all Sreemad Vidyananda Theerdha Pada Swami.My Grand Mother, Father, and My Mother
You may wonder why I am saying about Parents and Grand Parents on this occation, they are my teachers ; The teachers in my life; what did they give me? In an integrated way it can be said, that any enlightened human being can be created by three unique characteristics. One is moral value system, the hard way. Secondly, the teacher becoming a role model. Not only does the student learn, but the teacher shapes his life with great dreams and aims. Finally, the education and learning process has to culminate in the creation of professional capability leading to confidence and will power to make a design, to make a product, to make a system, bravely combating many problems. 
What a fortune and blessing I had from my teachers.
 Every one of us in this planet creates a page in human history irrespective of who he/she is. I realize my experience is a small dot in human life, but that dot has a life and light. This light, let it light many lamps.


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