Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Ultimate aim

What is the ultimate aim of our youngsters?.
To become a Doctor?, Engineer?, Professor?, 
Sometimes they might have  heard these names but what about 
to be a Teacher? Journalist? Scientist?...... 
No chance....The spoon feeders made them 
idle.....amul babies.
When I went  through the present education system-
especially related to CBSE,  I wondered how dare the 
authorities...?Educational reformers...?.
They have no interest in the standard of the 
education. To improve the percentage of the result is their motto.
Just think about Kerala S.S.L.C. result of last five years.
Some allegations are their that a hidden agenda of 
world bank is being executed because of the power of BRIBE;
Whatever it may be.
While announcing the result, we heard that our Hon'ble Minister was proudly 
saying about the exaggerated Percentage. And also promised that his aim was
to have a 100% result in the coming S.S.L.C. examinations.
What will we get if we are producing a large number of book worms?
Even the eighth standard students are discussing about the 
Chances they are going to get after having a management degree.
Or how to hook up a much reliable job abroad.
Once our Most respected living legend, former President Dr. A.P.J 
Abdul Kalam said "Start DREAMING, that would help you to reach
your Ultimate aim"
Our children or youngsters are losing their childhood because of the 
over stress we imposed on them.
They don't know how to behave in a strange condition, when facing a
failure, or having a great success.
They found themselves as big Zero in general knowledge.
The dreadful thing is that the upcoming generation is far away from our
Great Culture.
The reality shows also paved the way for this.
To be popular in Channels or Cinema is very good or interesting, yet
is that our ultimate aim.
In an interview one actress revealed the secret of getting chances in
Cinema, "If you are ready for some adjustments, you will get more chances"
We must do adjustments in our life, but if it is done by ignoring 
moral and cultural values what may the benefit.
After reaching a materialistic supremo we can realize that what we'd achieved 
is nothing
Our, Indian culture is very closely related to family life; the relations between 
family members is its foundation stone. 
Running after success will lead us to agony.
Famous actor Padmasree, Leut: Dr. Bharat Mohanlal said 
" I never chased anything, or pre-planned anything. Everything 
which I have in my life is happened by faith"
It doesn't mean that he was lazy or merely sitting at 
home waiting for a chance. He did his duty sincerely and in-time.

Before 20-25 years what was the condition in our education.
In addition to the lessons, our Great teachers opened a treasure of 
knowledge in front of us.
Each class without considering the subject was a treasure hunt.

Once in Maharashtra while conducting a class, a student (CBSE);
who was the first rank holder;complained to me that I was speaking 
about out off syllabus matters in the class. 
The present system followed in some schools in Maharashtra is
i) Write question answers on the board.
ii) Force the students to by heart it.
iii) No teaching notes should be given.
iv) No explanation is needed about the lessons.
v) No necessity to ensure that whether the pupils are 
   aware of  the portions or not.
vi) Worksheets should be given- means the Question paper,
   minimum two weeks prior to the examinations.
viii)No long answer questions are  to be given.
ix) If students failed to write the long answers that is 
   only because of the in-efficiency of the teacher.
x) For projects don't give any subjects from outside the text book.
   ( I asked the VIIth std. students to make a project regarding the 
    Jnanapeedh award and any of the award winner. Principal
    called me and scolded for it and finally concluded that this is 
    not Kerala for following such waste things.)
xi) Question paper patterns should be given.

Here are some questions I faced both from students 
and teachers of Maharashtra:-
i) Is Kerala is situated in Chennai/ Kannad/ Tamil Nadu?.
ii) What is the CURRENCY of Kerala? (By a C.B.S.E.Teacher).
iii)Are Kerala people living in muddy huts?.
iv) Is Passport  necessary to reach Kerala (By a C.B.S.E.Teacher).
v) Are you making Vada Pav - (the only one snack they 
   know) in the evenings.
vi) Are there any side-dishes except Methi and Dhania
   (What could I say about our delicious 28 items Sadya) 
I remembered the story of FROG IN THE WELL and 
felt pity on them.
 The State Board or C.B.S.E. are not taking any interest in controlling these
type of silly education they are selling for huge money; or the violators are 
exempting them from getting controlled.

Obviously turning to Kerala,  we lost the credibility of our education.
Our children are not able to face the reality, because of the over stress they
are facing - they will lose their life itself.
Think about...................................
What can we do to convince the educational reformers?.
What can we do to improve the educational standard of our children?.
What can we do to have a better generation?
 तस्माद  परिहर्येर्धे न: त्वम् शोचितुमारह्सी:              





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